Wednesday, February 3, 2010

How To Deal With Sweaty Feet

Step 1
Wash your feet thoroughly with deodorant soap, and dry them completely before you put your shoes on. If your problem is severe, you may need to wash your feet several times a day.

Step 2
Apply a regular underarm antiperspirant to your feet every night before bed, and before you put your shoes on in the morning.

Step 3
Shake a light dusting of foot powder or cornstarch on your feet and inside your shoes. This will help to absorb moisture during the day.

Step 4
Choose socks with natural fibers, such as cotton or wool, and avoid synthetic fibers. If your problem is severe, change your socks in the middle of the day. Never wear socks more than one day without laundering them.

Step 5
Wear leather or canvas shoes, which will allow your feet to breathe. Avoid shoes made of rubber or synthetic material. Wear open-toed shoes when the weather allows. If possible, don't wear the same shoes two days in a row. Skipping a day will allow them time to dry out completely

Things You''ll Need
-Deodorant soap
-Foot powder or cornstarch
-Natural fiber socks
-Leather or canvas shoes

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