Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Cleats!

As many sports season start in the fall, we wanted to give patients a little information about buying new cleats or shoes. This is sort of a bench mark that the season is coming on, having to make sure all your equipment is in good working order. It is certainly a time when the athlete gets excited about the upcoming season. Making sure your cleats or shoes are in good working order is especially important for the health of your feet. You cannot compete if your feet are constantly in pain, your performance will drop drastically. So here are some tips for new cleats.
-You probably need new cleats or shoes. Think of all the use your foot wear gets in a season. They go through practices and games, and take a lot of punishment. If they are getting worn out, they need replaced. Your cleats need to be in good shape to support your feet and protect them during play. If the soles or insoles are work out, they will not provide proper arch support and this can lead to foot pain. If the sides or uppers are worn out, then your shoes will not stay aligned to your foot, and this also can cause pain. Even worn out laces can cause problems as shoes which are not laced properly will not help prevent turned ankles. If your cleats are worn out, replace them, it will help prevent injury and allow you to compete without pain.

-Replace cleats or shoes that are too small. This is especially true for young athletes whose feet are still growing. Cleats can also shrink with exposure to water or incorrect cleaning. If your cleats are too small this can put a lot of extra pressure on your feet, and small foot wear is commonly associated with a number of foot problems including bunions, corns, calluses, blisters, and many others. Make sure your cleats are sized correctly.

-But cleats appropriate for your sport and position. A soccer player does not want overly bulky cleats which would slow him or her down. A football player may want lighter cleats as a running back, but higher cleats with good ankle support as an offensive lineman who must do a lot of lateral movement. Volley ball players need to be concerned with good sole cushioning and ankle support. Keep in mind the movements you will be doing when selecting cleats.

-Break in cleats or shoes over time. You need to break in cleats over a period of time to avoid blisters and other complications. It is not a good idea to wear your cleats for a long amount of time the first time you wear them. Break in cleats by wearing them around your house (while they are still clean) or back yard for brief periods of time, then wear them during practices before wearing them during a game. Having a blister during a game is distracting and can be painful, which can break your concentration and slow you down physically. Don't risk your performance by not breaking in cleats correctly.

-If you have an injury to your foot or ankle, or even a concern, call our office. We specialize in foot care and can get you back on the playing field quickly. We have many products and treatments to help you play pain-free, and at your highest level.

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