Friday, August 28, 2009

Athletes and Hydration

If you are an athlete you probably already know that hydration is at the top of your list to recover from and prepare for games, workouts, and practices. We want to remind you about the importance of hydration, especially as fall sports seasons begin and game play gets underway.

You may think that as we move into the month of September, that summer is behind you. Sure pools are closing for the year, tourist season is over, and summer vacations and breaks are past. But heat is not. September can often see temperatures that are also hot and humid. Pair this with practices, games, and workouts, and hydration is still a major concern. You even need to hydrate when playing outdoor games when it snows. The month does not dictate your hydration needs.

The average person is advised to drink eight 8oz. glasses of water a day. But the athlete needs to consider that they are doing more work, and therefore sweating more, than the average person. You need to intake more fluids. Water is always the best for hydration and should make up the majority of your fluid intake. This should be supplemented with sports drinks to help replace electrolytes. Your food impacts your hydration as well. You loose water when you sweat, so don't be afraid to salt your food while dining. You should avoid salt packets. Bananas are a great way to replace potassium, and potassium supplements are another option. Avoid soft drinks and alcoholic beverages as these can just dehydrate you more, and are empty calories. Looking for a replacement to these drinks during meals? Try milk. It is full of flavor, and a great source of calcium. It is also a great thirst quencher.

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