There are some easy preventative measures you can take in order to avoid contracting athlete's foot:
- Do not walk barefoot, especially in locker rooms and public pool areas.
- Reduce the amount of foot perspiration by using a talcum powder (we recommend Zeasorb, which can be purchased at our office).
- Wear light weight shoes that provide air flow. Alternate pairs of shoes. Don't wear the same pair every day so that you give your shoes time to dry between wearings. Allow your shoes to air for at least 24 hours before you wear them again.
- Don't share shoes. Sharing risks spreading a fungal infection.
- Wear socks that help to keep your feet dry or changing your socks frequently if you perspire a lot. Go with natural materials. Wear socks that are made of natural material, such as cotton or wool, or a synthetic fiber designed to draw moisture away from your feet.

Pictured above is an example of what can happen if athlete's foot goes untreated. Some common symptoms of athlete's foot are dry skin, itching, scaling, inflammation, and blisters on or between toes. Untreated athlete's foot can spread to the soles of your feet, toenails, and other parts of the body. Onychomycosis, a fungal infection of the nail, may develop with or without other signs and symptoms of athlete's foot. It is important that if you experience any of the symptoms above to contact your local podiatrist to schedule an appointment. If you are diabetic and are experience any of the symptoms contact your podiatrist immediately. People with diabetes are at increased risk of a severe bacterial infection of the foot and leg if they have athlete's foot. Treatment for athlete's foot is crucial to keeping it from spreading to other parts of the foot and body.

There are numerous over the counter products available to treat athlete's foot. Pictured above is a product called Tineacide. It is a physician formula antifungal cream that is applied to the feet. Tineacide is the strongest non-prescription anti-fungal on the market. Many doctors recommend it over any other topical or oral prescription. You can purchase this through our online store that can be found at our website http://www.vailfoot.com/ . There are other products available there to treat athletes foot and many other feet related issues. If you have tried to use over the counter products and they do not work, you should schedule an appointment with your local podiatrist. Your podiatrist may need to prescribe a prescription in order to get rid of your athlete's foot. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment our office can be reached by calling 419-423-1888.
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