Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Six Great Tips For A Runner

Would you like to be running longer in life? Well NOW is your chance!!

Here are my 6 tips to keep you running longer:

1. Discard your running shoes when they are worn out! The reason this is key, is that it helps prevent injury in the long run. If you didn't know already, most shoes are good for about 300 miles. Some shoes can last you close to 500, but they're a very select few. If you need a way to find out if they belong in the trash, check the midsoles of the shoe - if they begin to crinkle, toss them out immediately.

2. Always make sure you are wearing the correct shoe for your feet! You would not believe how many people pay a greater attention to what the shoe looks like, and not how the shoe fits. Their is always a huge selection of running shoes to pick from, and that can be confusing at times. But if you want to avoid injury, make sure you have the correct shoe for your foot and stride. You shall never be alone when your buying shoes. Always ask an expert on the shoe fitting when choosing the right pair.

3. Use caution when hill training! You should always gradually work your way into this. Doing only one hill work out per week at first, and see how that feels. Listen to your body, and at the first sign of a problem back off! Also, stay relaxed as you bound up or run down the hill.

4. Have a check up before you exercise. Really! Many runners think they are the exception to this rule and they just start running. The results could be deadly. Get a check up first, and then by all means, run.

5. Take a look at all the other shoes you have and wear that are not running shoes. Are they roomy and comfortable? Do you put the fit of the shoe over the appearance of the shoe? No? Well - if you are wearing shoes that cause blisters or any other pain, you will most likely pay for that later. Women are especially influenced by the fashion dictates of the footwear marketing industry. As runners, or as walkers, we should know better. I urge all of you too give away, throw away or burn the shoes that are not comfortable. Your feet will thank you for it.

6. Finally, Have fun! Don't make running a stressful time. Grab a cd player, an Ipod, or anything that can ease your mind while your running. Download your favorite songs, or burn your favorite cd. You''ll live and run longer, if you are able to remember what running was like as a kid. You know - just for fun, to stay in shape for the summer. Atleast one day a week, go out and run easy and relaxed with no care of the speed and time. I promise this is such a relaxing feeling once you get in the hang of it. There are plenty of other tips and good advice for runners out there. These are just a few of mine. If you run in good shoes, keep your spirits high and use good judgement, there is no telling how long you will be able to run. After all - that is the point isn't it?

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