Friday, December 4, 2009

Ice Your Pain...While on the Ice!

Naturally, as winter fastly approaches, newly formed recreational spots will soon emerge all over in ponds, reservoirs, and lakes for some old-fashioned ice-skating and ice-hockey. However, this Winter Wonderland imagery is not your typical grandparents' sport. With growing waves of youth competing in cross-state circuits of ice-skating and ice-hockey in indoor ice arenas, the amount of stress placed on youth feet is always mounting. What ways can you reduce your pain, or your children's pain, as you stuff your feet time and time again into those cramp and narrow skates?

Orthotics! By having your feet fitted for orthotics, you will enhance the proper layout of your foot residing in your skating boot by alignment and position--chiefly due to the elevated heel orientation found in most skating boots. At Advanced Footcare Clinic, we can size, fit, and mold your orthotics in conformity to any style of skating boot. Not only will this greatly reduce pain and inflammation of your arches and heel, but it will have a positive effect on your skating power and stride. So, "ice" your pain with skating orthotics when preparing for another fun-filled season of competitive ice-skating or ice-hockey!

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