Monday, November 9, 2009

What on Turf Happened?

As the fall sports' seasons enter their playoff phases, it is important to take notice of some precautions that will ward off injury during the most important part of these seasons. More namely, the precautions that should be taken note of relate to your toes. "Turf Toe" has been a common theme for a variety of athletes, but especially football players. The level of strain that your feet have endured over the past season--which at this point could be nearly two months--could have your toes poised for potential bruising, which could appear at the base of your big toe. This inflammation of the metatarsal phalangeal joint is known as Turf Toe.

So, what can you do to relieve the symptoms?

Common remedies include the oft-mentioned RICE Method. Resting, icing, compressing, and elevating your injury for 15 mintues during each stage of this method and repeated over at least two cycles will provide gradual relief to your toe. However, more powerful alternatives are available--such as the ones available at Advanced Footcare Clinic--where we can use a cortizone injection for pain relief. The important concept to remember, though, is prevention.

Ideas that can be implemented to prevent Turf Toe include purchasing proper athletic shoes that correspond to the level of activity your sport requires. In football, finding a steel-plated toe guard in football cleats might be advantageous for purposes of preventing this injury. Having a stiffened toe guard not only prevents the onset of something falling on your toes during your moment of competition, but it also stabilizes the toe so that it does not unnecessarily bend back and forth.

Remember, if you have any questions regarding prevention or treatment for your footcare needs, please contact your friends at Advanced Footcare Clinic at any time.

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